ProActive Workflows & Scheduling

Automate, schedule & scale workloads

Enterprise job scheduling & orchestration solution

Time-based, event-based and workload-based automation

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling is an enterprise job scheduling software for IT automation. It distributes workloads and applications to accelerate their execution. The solution includes a workflow studio, a scheduler, a resource manager, a job planner, analytics dashboards and many other advanced features for enterprise use.

  • Cloud-ready with multiple connectors
  • Parallel and distributed execution
  • User-friendly graphical interfaces
  • Computation-intensive workflows
  • Error management, High Availability
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Integrate everywhere your workflow scheduling needs

workflow studio for any user

Application orchestration & metascheduling

hybrid infrastructure management

Hybrid cloud & cluster management

job priority

Advanced job priority policies and role-based access control

System resource management and dynamic scalability

The scalability of ProActive Workflows & Scheduling solution has been tested on over 20000 CPU cores, and demonstrated resource elasticity, automatically scaling up and down depending on the workload size.

ProActive Workflows & Scheduling is resource-agnostic and enables seamless workload automation on-premises, over the cloud or on hybrid infrastructures.

Features are available through GUI, REST API or CLI.

Enterprise Workload Scheduling Use Cases

Schedule your analytics every hour, every day or on any other timetable to deliver regular reports.

In IoT, execute predictive maintenance workloads every hour to identify fixes. In finance, execute asset estimation algorithms 3 times a day to better react to market change.

Distribute the workload across multiple environments to maximize output and scale in the cloud automatically.

Schedule your data preprocessing on a regular basis.

With cron expression fetch files on a remote server, aggregate database sources, enrich information, pilot ETL tasks, etc.

Manage your resources with a smart queue system for your jobs.

Prioritize jobs to ensure high priority jobs and tasks are executed first. Ensure that you are working with an optimized resource pool and control your expenses.

Forecast workload requirements across the enterprise through a single enterprise wide view.

Enable admins to plan workloads and jobs for specific events such as marketing promotions which may impact the overall IT system.

Access metadata through REST API with our open solution.

Testimonials about Activeeon

“Thanks to ProActive and additional optimizations we made along the way with Azure, the batch time which previously was taking us 18 hours, is now down to 5 hours, and by the end of the year, my hope and expectation is to go definitely below 4 hours and possibly less by having more grid hosts and more capacity.”

Guido Imperiale
Lead integration engineer at Legal and General

logo Capgemini, consulting company

“ProActive Workflows & Scheduling from Activeeon is the only solution capable to schedule any big data analytics, mono-threaded, multi-threaded, multi-core, parallel and distributed.”

CapGemini Lead Engineer for Home Office

logo INRA, biotech company

“The ProActive product perfectly integrates into a hybrid multi-platform architecture. The usage of ProActive allowed us to have a trivialized approach to our processing infrastructure which includes Linux and Windows computers and GPU. This product helped us reduce operational costs by 10.”

Nicolas Pons
Head of InfoBioStat platform at MetaGenoPolis (INRAE)

Workload automation for everyone

About Activeeon

Activeeon is a software company providing innovative solutions for IT automation, acceleration and scalability, big data, distributed computing and application orchestration. Activeeon helps companies automate their business through workload scheduling.

We work with customers from different sectors: IT, finance, government, media, distribution, IoT, biotech, engineering, energy, aeronautics and more.

Our scheduling software has been involved in projects requiring significant processing times, such as data analysis, financial simulations, machine learning, predictive maintenance, satellite image processing, DNA profiling and more.

We support customers worldwide.

To contact us directly:
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+33 988 777 660