Job scheduling, IT orchestration & workload automation solutions

Workflow scheduling on-premise and in the cloud

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ActiveEon recognized by Gartner:

Service Orchestration and Automation Platforms (SOAPs)

2023 Market Guide

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Data Science & Machine Learning Engineering Platforms

May 2022 Market Guide

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Workflows and pipelines are critical for your digital transformation
Activeeon provides comprehensive resilient workflows and pipelines at scale

Modernize Workload Automation

Job scheduling & automation

Succeed with AI Models in Production

AI Orchestration & MLOps

Providing job scheduling and workload automation solutions to companies worldwide

Hybrid Workload Automation

Orchestrate & Schedule

orchestrate and schedule

With a single point of control, manage and control all processes and get rid of silos with a unified, cross-platform automation solution.

Embrace Hybrid
& Multi-Cloud

hybrid and multi-cloud ready

With more and more complex architecture, manage the workloads on all available resources and setup elastic policies.

A Platform For Scalability & Growth

Build a strong base for growth

A robust platform to build upon and support any business needs and load with a powerful and open automation system.

Govern & Control

Govern and Control

Stay in control and empower users with built-in features for error management, notifications, docker support, ease operations, etc.

Automate with Workflows


Focus on the business needs and express it with a flexible workflow definition. Build faster with built-in error management, file handling, connectors, etc.

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“Now, thanks to ProActive and additional optimizations we made along the way with Azure, the batch time which previously was taking us 18 hours, is now down to 5 hours, and by the end of the year, my hope and expectation is to go definitely below 4 hours and possibly less by having more grid hosts and more capacity.”

Job Scheduling Automation

Automate, schedule at scale workloads on any infrastructure

Automate and schedule jobs, tasks and workloads reliably on any infrastructure and at scale

Provide a flexible solution for business users to distribute and parallelize heavy workloads on large infrastructure and leverage hybrid and multi-cloud opportunities

Ease the management and governance of large production environments with thousands of scripts, ETL jobs and integrate within any environment with an open and API first platform

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AI Automation

Deploy, automate and scale machine learning workflows

Make deployments and scaling of machine learning (ML) workflows on any infrastructure simple, portable and scalable

Provide a straightforward way to deploy open-source systems for ML to diverse infrastructures (local, hybrid, multi-cloud)

Provide a pipeline solution to enable automation within the Machine Learning dev lifecycle

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Our latest use cases

Benefits of Migrating from Jams Scheduler to ActiveEon Orchestrator

The replacement of Jams Scheduler (Help Systems) enables to considerably optimize the management of the infrastructure, reduce the number of orchestrated IT workflows, as well as improve the efficiency and modularity of the IT management.

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[MetaGenoPolis] Microbiome analytics orchestration

Our microbiota is a key actor between food and our body and a major actor in well-being, health and desease

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scientific lab
[INRAE] Big Data HPC for Health Discovery

Distributed R environment for quantitative metagenomics platform and statistical analysis.

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Customer Testimonials

logo creos, energy company

“Activeeon won a CREOS call for tenders at the end of 2019 for a scheduling solution for IT technical workflows. There were initially 8 international competitors. We particularly appreciated the user-friendliness and modernity of the user interfaces, the expressiveness of the workflows and multi-environment support. We appreciated the professionalism, competence and responsiveness of Activeeon, and their ability to understand our problems and provide us with very effective solutions.”

Operating Engineer at Creos

logo Capgemini, consulting company

“Activeeon is the only solution capable to Schedule any Big Data Analytics, mono-threaded, multi-threaded, multi-core, parallel and distributed.”

CapGemini Lead Engineer for Home Office

logo INRA, biotech company

“The ProActive product perfectly integrates into a hybrid multi-platform architecture. The usage of ProActive allowed us to have a trivialized approach to our processing infranstructure which includes Linux and Windows computers and GPU. This product helped us reduce operational costs by 10.”

Nicolas Pons
Head of InfoBioStat platform at MetaGenoPolis (INRA)

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Latest News


Activeeon Contributions Selected by European Space Agency for Marine Environment Monitoring Through onboard Satellite AI (IRMA Project from IRT Saint Exupery)

ActiveEon at the WAICF 2024

Join us at the World AI Cannes Festival 2024

photo of the bay of Hambourg

ISC High Performance, the HPC Event: Meet us in Hamburg on May 21-25, 2023